Natural hair Care

What Natural Is Love Fashion Show 2019
With a few weeks left for the What Naturals Love Hair & Fashion Show on August 17 in Brooklyn, NY we are super exited to introduce our participants. Exited to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Going-Natural.com and to give homage to those who kept Black Follicles alive, healthy and stylish these salons will bring you […]
The best oils to care for, style and grow natural hair, Afros and Locs
In my 15 plus years of being natural, I have tried about every oil everybody has ever raved about at one time. From argan oil to castor oil, you name it, I probably tried it. Since there are so many questions about which oil is best, I am happy to share my experience.
How Tineke’s Healthy Hair Spray brought my Hair Back
At times life is just too busy to pay attention to all the details. Even though hair is very important in what I do, I don’t always give my strands the extra care that they need. It just so happens that that might be the best thing for braidlocs.
This Monday 1 PM Everything about Braidlocs Live on Facebook
Are you contemplating #BraidLocs for yourself, for your kids or do you have questions about your locs in general? Join us on Monday July 2nd at 1 PM Live! Nicole Dickson, natural hairstylist for over 20 years, will demonstrate how to maintain locs and answer all of your hair questions.
Linda “Mosetta” Jones about the 20th Anniversary of A Nappy Hair Affair
In the late 90s, during the frontier days of the natural hair movement, we had no special “curl definers,” natural hair “puddings” or “detangling” products. And if we were in a conundrum about how to take care of our kinks, coils and curls, since youtube did not exist and natural hair salons were rare, we […]
Hair growth results after using the Tineke’s Healthy Hair Growth Spray
A couple of weeks ago my loctitian Adenike from the Woven.NYC called to order more bottles of the Tineke’s Healthy Hair Growth Spray. Before ordering she wanted to share this story with me of a happy client who came in for a retightening.
Black Follicles Matter, not just emotionally but also economically
In the wake of the recent killings of innocent Black men by incompetent racist police officers, the importance of how we use our $1.1 Trillion economic power has once again risen to the surface. Buy Black always comes up in light of these type of horrific racial crimes as many are convinced that marching can […]
Come, shop and have your picture taken
Come, shop and have your photo taken! The Festival is one of my summer staples. It’s espcially known for its family friendliness. Entertainment from happy kids activities to amazing performances and all they ask is a $5 donation. My booth will be on the field on the left of the Muntu stage where the […]
Black Follicles Matter: My Book Talk at Sisters Uptown Bookstore
Sisters Uptown Bookstore and Cultural Center On Saturday June 10th, I had a book talk about Bad Hair Uprooted, the Untold History of Black Follicles at Sisters Uptown bookstore in Harlem. That colorful vibrant place where delicious healthy smoothies are also available, must be the coziest bookstore in the city. This beautiful space envisioned and owned by […]
How to Treat that Thinning, Slow Growing Spot
Do you suffer from hair loss? Or thinning hair in some areas of your head? The answer is yes for many of us naturals. So, don’t feel alone in this battle, we can conquer this together. The first thing to do when we see this happening is to get to the root of it. Find […]
Stop hair breakage by properly combing your Natural Hair
After chemical straighteners, combing our hair causes the most damage to our hair. So if you’re going natural and maybe even more important, once you are natural, mastering how to untangle your hair is key.
Five Easy Healthy Hair Resolutions
It’s a brand new year and not too late to get on-board with inspired healthy hair resolutions that will allow you to level up your hair game! With that in mind, let’s crush the misconceptions that natural black hair can only grow to a certain length, or must remain coarse, or unmanageable. Check out these five […]
Why Hello Queen supports BlackFollicles.com
Hello Queen designs products that showcase the inner strength and beauty we all have. Owner Fatima Camara who used to be ashamed of her natural hair supports BlackFollicles.com 110%. Read how she overcame her shame and why she supports BlackFollicles.com.
How to use the Going Natural No More Knots Detangler
Instuctions and videos on how to use the Going Natural No More Knots Detangler.
How to use the Going Natural Scalp Conditioning Spray
Use the Going Natural Scalp Conditioning Spray to prevent dry itchy scalp and to promote hair gowth