Mireille Liong Natural Hairstyle of the week stop, hair growth, combing, Hair Breakage, hair, natural, breakage, Natural hair Care, Natural Hair Products, properly 0
After chemical straighteners, combing our hair causes the most damage to our hair. So if you’re going natural and maybe even more important, once you are natural, mastering how to untangle your hair is key.
Simpel steps can help you gain hair length
How to stop breakage
Despite what we have been taught, African hair is not the strongest hair type at all. In fact our coily strands are most vulnerable compared to European and Asian hair. Every spot where a strand magically twists and turns into a coil has the potential to become a breakpoint. The coilier your hair the more prone to breakage it is because the stronger the hair coils, the sharper the angles. That doesn’t mean that coily hair will naturally break or that African strands can’t grow long.
The essence of properly untangling
Be aware that hair loss and hair breakage are two fundamentally different things. Hair loss aka alopecia is when the hair comes out of the scalp follicle and all. It can be cause by stress, medicine, diet and sometimes also by using wrong products. Hair breakage is as the name suggests, when the strands are broken. Properly untangling your hair is the best thing you can do to prevent breakage. Properly coming your hair does not only prevent your strands from breaking, better yet it also allows you to retain your hair length so as a result your hair will grow longer.
Greases, waxes and vaseline
There was a time when we used a lot of grease to comb out our hair. While slip definitely makes it easier to untangle and you may like the greasy look, products like Vaseline and heavy hair greases are not the answer. Not only should you avoid the main ingredient petrolatum, the stuff itself literally sticks on your strands without any benefit and it is very hard to wash out. Besides there is a big difference between greasy and shiny.
Detanglers, products to help untangle
As our beautiful ringlets are naturally attracted to one another, untangling can be quite a challenge. Despite what many people think, the best products to do the job of untangling our sometimes very knotted hair are not oils in an on itself but usually a mix between a water component and an oil.
If the natural hair movement did one thing, it is growing the world of detanglers. Detanglers are the best products to untangle and comb out natural hair.
Split ends and damaged hair
Before you start untangling though it is crucial to get rid of damaged strands and split ends. More than just tangles, split ends and damaged strands create matted knots that are not only hard to untangle but also cause more damage to your hair. That is why you need to cut split ends when you have them.
Here is how you know you have split ends:
- The minute you untangle, your hair is knotted up again.
- When you moisturize your ends, your hair don’t coil up.
- Your ends feel rough
- You can see it when you pull a Denman-like brush through your hair.
Here is how you can trim your own split ends
The trick that does the magic
The Going Natural No More Knots and Silky Shea Hair Butter is unequivocally the best combination to untangle any type of hair. The No More Knots is a moisture based detangler while the Silky Shea is butter based. That is why it’s called Detangling Made Easy!.
The only way I could comb through my hair without going crazy after wearing my big fro out was using these products the following way:
- Take a hand-palm full of hair, saturate it with the No More Knots then twirl it and push it into the base.
- Repeat until my full head was twirled up.
- The I would take out the first part, dip a denman brush or wide tooth comb in the Silky Shea Hair butter and start combing from the ends to the roots.
Not only did this procedure cut my detangling time in half, it allowed my hair to flourish and grow to a luscious fro! Click to order now Detangling Made Easy!