Cisco Clervoix: Dreadlocked Shakespearian
“If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” — Audre Lorde
What Men really think about Natural Hair
A while ago when a was still very active on napturality’s forum there was a discussion about Black men and natural hair. Whether they liked it or not, preferred only a certain kind of natural or only if it was a certain length.
It was certainly and interesting and lively debate but in all honesty the men were missing. So could it be that it was all just our perception?
Although the post were fascinating we thought it we also needed to hear the other perspective and what way better to then to hear it straight from the men themselves?
So off we went and asked men on several boards and online platforms if we could pick their brain on the topic of Natural Hair and if they wanted to answer a few questions about it.
Let us know what you think after you read their responses.
“If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” — Audre Lorde
I have had the distinct honor and pleasure of having a dog almost my entire life and for those who don’t know what dog’s really are. They are ‘Infinite Givers’ and always let you know just how fun life really is.
Before I arouse any angry responses, allow me to ask this question: Have you ever been with someone and you realize they have a habit or habits and/or lifestyle that you can’t stand? Or as I’ve come to realize. Simply aren’t in alignment with my own fickle lifestyle? Good! Then here lies a true tale […]
I have thick black hair and I like them as it adds charisma to my personality.The benefit which coarse hair is that you can weave them easily which brings another style statement to the personality. The crowd won’t disagree with the added style quotient and the prominence that the hair posses.
Your hair can define who you are and what kind of mind set you’re in. I’ve chosen to rock out with the dreads because one, I’ve tried everything else and I feel dreads are very empowering to own especially for a black man.
Charli G Slater is a Tennis Instructor, Model and an Actor, who resides in Miami Florida. As we all know the natural hairstyles is becoming a huge trend on our black culture, especially among women. However there are men that exists that loved and embraces the look of being natural, Charli G Slater is one […]
My hair, as coarse as it is, definitely means alot to me because it helps to mold my features and if it were ever cut in a way that i disagreed with i would not be a happy camper lol! I think it definitely adds to my style, but my personality is something that goes […]
Name: Equane Aka EQ Occupation: Model Who is your Favorite model? : Tyson Beckford
My hair is very important, as a man with dred locks, it can make me either stand out or break me. My hair usuallay books the job for me, so i keep it in tip top shape…
I used to not really be bothered either way by textures, but that was before I found out how black people have been systematically set up to hate themselves and their hair. Whenever I see permed hair, or a weave, or a wig
I have a preference for natural hair because it shows a woman is not afraid to show her true self! Name: Gearz Occupation: Model Who is your Favorite model? Tyson Beckford
A woman’s hair is VERY important to me. Not as much as in the past, growing up. However, it is still very important due to the whole vanity issue behind it. Needless to say how much weight is placed on a woman’s hair… I just prefer her to embrace herself as much as possible… regardless […]
Hair to be is an extension of yourself, its on of the few things you can change dramatically on your body in a short period of time. A woman’s hair to me is important, I like long straight hair cause I got a problem with my hands. 🙂
It has finally happened. I have come to the point that denial no longer serves me. That the evidence before my eyes is stronger that the delusion of my mind. Still in denial regarding my declining eyesight, I concede that my hairline is receding. I am a full-fledged member of the male pattern baldness club. […]
Some of the things that people choose to do with their personal appearance will drive us to personal prejudice and even evoke negative emotions. For example: facial and neck tattoos, piercings of the lip, nose and brow are probably decades away from mainstream acceptance. Hairstyles such as a Mohawk cut, spiked wedges, the