Rachel Ritfeld on Challenge 4
Chassity : as always you’re face is flawless. But this week, i didn’t get what you were going for? The blue top?? Were you wearing make up? When you are shooting a make up brand, you want to show a little more of it….
Chassity : as always you’re face is flawless. But this week, i didn’t get what you were going for? The blue top?? Were you wearing make up? When you are shooting a make up brand, you want to show a little more of it….
To me, the “Cheetah Chic” look is Bold yet Elegant. The model who captured this look the best, I feel, was Jalita. Her makeup is bold, elegant and flawless! The quality of her photos are great because the makeup really popped especially in the first photo.
This was an interesting challenge. I love the fact that the ladies were given such a neutral, yet classic palette to work with. My favorite this week was Jalita. Her accessories and poses really brought out a bold look with such neutral makeup. Great job! For elimination, I choose Kala. In many of her shots, […]
“Once again, all of you ladies look beautiful! I love the colors and brightness and the creativity in styling. I also really enjoyed reading step by step how you all created your styles and what products from the Going Natural line that you used. My favorite this week is Chassity. I love the fact that […]
My job is hard as a judge each week, but all of the contestants make it fun! The styles that were presented this week showed how versatile and creative natural hair can be. And when you’re using the right products, it makes it that much easier to sculpt a style that’s uniquely you, but also […]
My picks for this week were ReShonda and Chassity. My pick for elimination was Justyce. Chassity- All of your shots were beautiful. Loved the hair, makeup, clothes. Reshonda- There wasn’t a shot that I didn’t love. I loved the vibrant colors you wore in both clothing and make up. Great job! I wish you’d been […]
This was the hardest challenge to date. All the ladies brought their A game and definitely stepped it up for this challenge. All of the pictures showed creativity, individuality, and LOVELY natural textures! One thing that I would have liked from all of the ladies is a picture that showed them creating the style! Thinking […]
This week’s challange was exciting for me because I am a Natural Hair Care Stylist, but I must say I was very disappointed. As beautiful and versatile as our natural hair is, I certainly thought I would see much more creativity with the styles. Every style that was done this week were basic styles that I see […]
Again photographically speaking on the overall look of the photos… Desyray– I like your makeup and being a loc wearer myself I can clearly see your locs are beautiful and the style is nice but a photo no-no would be standing directly in front of a pole or an item that will have distracting things […]
CarlieI like your idea of weaves and flowers in your hair but I have to say I am disappointed in the execution. This is a modeling competition who takes the best photos and you say this: Unfortunately, because of the darkness of my hair, the flower does not show in the pictures.That doesn’t make sense […]
Jalita: in the shots where you have eye contact with the camera, you look a bit sad and in pain. There is no sparkle in your eyes. I would have liked to have seen more life in your eyes.
My top choices for this weeks challenge is Nefertti and Jalita! Nefertti – I loved the creativity she displayed, as it helped me to see headwrapping in a whole new light. I, personally, always looked at it as a way to cover-up a bad hair day but now I see it as another way to […]
My favorite this is Chassity. For elimination, I choose Natural Jael. Although I liked scarf, I didn’t feel like she used much creativity in her pictures at all.
This week’s decision was as hard to make as last week’s, if not more. The vote was between CarlieM and Nefertiti. I decided on Nefertiti! She had a very interesting story, showed versatility in the way she styled her wraps, and made some great points about what is “appropriate” when wearing a head wrap. I […]
First let me say, I’m always speaking from a photographic point of view. Is it believable? Does it look good? Does it make me want it? Can I see it in your eyes? Are you selling it? Are you modeling or just standing by looking cute? are just a few things I’m asking myself when […]
Kala GI loved your head wrap and accessories. In your essay, I like how you focused on hair health beneath the wrap and how you fit it into your daily fashion. I also liked your transition into how you feel wearing the wrap versus how our people suffered in the past and Dr. King’s hand […]