
How to use the Curly Twist Out Cream
How to use the Curly Twist Out Cream to get the best curl definition.
When I first received the package containing Jamaican Mango & Lime products I was so ecstatic. I admit I use to be a product junky, but attending college leaves me little to no room for experimentation with different products for my hair. When opening the box, I didn’t know where to start there were so […]
Curly Twists
This classic style is a great versatile option for anyone looking for an easy style that can last. The hair in a fan style to the crown of the head, where the ends of the braids are twisted into a waterfall of curls. Stylist usually add hair to this style to make the braids and […]
Celebrity Curly Hairstyles
Loose flowing curls, mermaid-like waves and crafted coils are all the rage on the red carpet these days, as textured hair is increasingly taking center stage at some of the world’s most glamorous venues. From the Oscars to the Emmys, Grammys and Juno Awards, many of today’s hottest stars are forgoing […]
Stretched Twisted Curly Hair
This is from last week when i defined my curls with going-natural herbal gel. I made this style last and stretched it out. At night when my hair is completly dry i put my hair in big twist. My hair is still soft to the touch. Moist and now have more body. Oh the things […]
curly sue.
curly sue. It’s funny. When you’re not familiar with Black hair, you often think there’s not much one can do with it. Truth be told, Black hair might be the MOST versatile hair type. Because of its natural texture and ability to “hold” there are no rules or limitations. Is it therefore any wonder that Black […]
Curly Twist Out Cream
Year of the CURLS!Curly Twist out Cream This new Curly Twist Out Hair Milk is clearly designed with an understanding of African coils. It adds a whole new dimension to the versatility of natural hair. Now, even if you’d get bored with your fro, braids or twists this amazing new Curly Twist Out Hair Milk […]
Fine curly hair styles
How can I style my Fine curly hair? I am so new to all of this. I need advice. Shop Natural Hair Products by Black Women at whatnaturalslove.com
Super Curly Hair :)
So I decided to experiment with my hair last night. I conditioned it, shampooed it (since I haven’t done so in like 2-3 weeks), and then deep conditioned it. I wrung it out with a towel and then put a protein milk, olive oil and shea butter mixture on it and ran it throughout my […]
Fro it out with a Curly Fro
As a natural chic, I am always looking for the perfect potion that provides a combination of moisture and something to make my curls pop. When I used the Curly Twistout Hair Cream my first reaction was WOO HOO! The Twist and Curl Potion really moisturized my hair and gave my curls definition!