Mireille Liong Nappy News Flat Twists, Mireille Liong, Fro Hawk, Permed hair, Natural Hairstyles,, Going natural, cornrows, Transitioning from relaxed to Natural Hair
To mark the 15th anniversary I am publishing a special edition of Going Natural, How to Fall in Love with Nappy Hair. To celebrate this milestone I offer you a special edition of the book with a free gift! Check it out.
The back story
For years I permed my hair until my hair started thinning and breaking. My straightened strands became lifeless and super dry. No grease, oil or leave-in product could moisturize my dried out fragile strands or bring my damaged hair back to life.
I tried braids and weaves. I loved braids but not the weaves. My weaves looked unnatural, were uncomfortable, itched my scalp and damaged my edges.
Tired of broken strands, afraid to go bald and scared to rely on weaves with no hair of my own to sew a weave on, I decided to go natural. It was a tremendous journey that literally brought me closer to my roots.
I learned from each and every stage. GOING NATURAL, taught me how to deal with hair breakage, how to properly untangle and how to grow my natural hair. Best of all I learned to fully embrace and LOVE my unique head full of 4A, 4B and 4C textures!
Everything I learned is in ‘Going Natural How to Fall in Love with Nappy Hair‘. The book that helped trail-blaze the natural hair movement 15 years ago.
Join me celebrating the 15th anniversary and pre-order a brand new special edition of Going Natural, How to Fall in Love with Nappy Hair now! Not only can you pre-order the book now for the special price of only $9.99. If you order now you’ll and get the roller braid (worth $15) for free! The most popular product to stimulate hair growth and restore edges.
Here is the special 15th anniversary deal:
Book : $12 – $9.99
Shipping: $6.99
Roller Braid ($15): $0.00
Total: $16.98
Going Natural, How to Fall in Love with Nappy Hair now!