More than excited, I am elated about Bad Hair Uprooted, the 10th anniversary exhibition featuring a myriad of your head turning Natural Hairstyles. I like this to be a community celebration in every sense. Not only will your outstanding hairstyles be on display, you also get to choose which portraits will be on display.
Portraits from my upcoming Exhibition – Want to attend? You can register at Bad Hair Uprooted.
More than excited, I am elated about Bad Hair Uprooted, the 10th anniversary exhibition featuring a myriad of your head turning Natural Hairstyles. I like this to be a community celebration in every sense. Not only will your outstanding hairstyles be on display, you also get to choose which portraits will be on display.
There are only so many natural hairstyle portraits we can put up this upcoming exhibition and with over 500 colorful locs, Twists, Afros, Bantus etc. it is nearly impossible to choose. So I am reaching out to you my dear audience to help me and the curators out.
You have proven to be the best audience when it comes to Black natural hairstyles. Captioning, liking, sharing and commenting on the best and worst of hairdos. So I thought I can best leave it up to you to decide which portraits will on on display this coming August.
I’d really appreciate it if you tell me what portraits you like to see this upcoming exhibition and why. Is it just the hairstyle, the color, is it someone you know? Or, does the portrait just speaks to you and if so what does it say? Just vote, comment, share and caption to let us know. Then there is one more thing.
Although over the years I’ve got to know many of the people in the portraits there are also many I only pictured once and never saw again. Of course it would be great to meet them again for the 10th anniversary in real live at the exhibition. So if you know a person in the picture, please tag them if possible and let them know to get in touch with us so we can send them a personal invitation. Thanks in advance.
For starters let’s see what photos you can remember from the last exhibit and let us know which one you like to see back of The Pursuit of Nappiness 08. I look forward to your comments.
By the way I love to see you all there but the space can only allow so many people in so please register early at Bad Hair Uprooted Exhibition.
August 20, 2020 @ 3:54 pm
I remember going to the hairdresser and having headaches every time I left I kept having reactions and my hair would start becoming resistant to the processing. I kept telling my self I would stop. It was one day after I did a process and I was unhappy with the results, which ncluded hair loss. ? It was then, that I decided this was the last time I perm my hair. I became free of the ‘creamy Crack.’ it’s iberating! I am always complimented about my hair. Interestingly, I started a movement quietly. Little black girls who thought of me as an example to the ideaology, took on to embracing their natural coils and even a few colleague’s as well. That made me happy that they found it within themselves to embrace their natural beauty ? let’s go even further all the health benefits to being natural.
September 24, 2020 @ 9:19 pm
Thank you for this!