miapress Bad Hair Uprooted Hair Show, black, Going natural, follicles, matter, Going Natural Hair Show, Black Follicles Matter 0
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Thirty- two years after the first ever dreadlocks grooming salon opened its doors and natural hair has become an inevitable lifestyle, the booming movement established its own hair and fashion show.Going-Natural.com, instrumental in propelling the online natural hair movement for over a decade and the International African Arts Festival, a cultural beacon of New York for 46 years, have been teaming up, to give the natural hair movement the stage it so deserves.
Last year’s natural hair show ‘Back to the Future of Our Roots’ set the stage for natural hairstylists and models to emerge to limitless heights with the goal to take the now billion dollar industry to the next level of professionalism and acceptance.
With this year’s theme Black Follicles Matter, Drs. Mireille Liong, producer and founder of Going-Natural.com aims to highlight the social injustices that people with African strands, still have to endure.
Black people are the only people on planet earth who don’t have the fundamental human right to wear their God-given tresses natural, says Liong.
Styles that are natural to African strands are considered radical and improper for the workplace which is detrimental to Black follicles.
73% of Black women are suffering from relaxer-induced alopecia, hair loss related to chemical straighteners. Instead of hiding the pain and shame behind wigs and weaves, we need to talk, address and solve the underlying issues.
The goal of the Going Natural Hair Show is to expose the unmatched versatility and beauty of Black Follicles while creating awareness and breaking stereotypes.
The next Going Natural Hair show will be on July 4th at the African Festival at Commodore Barry Park in Brooklyn, NY.
If you are a hairstylist who wants to participate, please contact us at info@going-natural.com.

Going Natural Hair Care for Natural Hairstyles for African American Women