Neco Williams is a 21 year old male model from Somerset, New Jersey who is enthusiastic about modelling, especially runway.
The cheerful model who choose to wear an Afro candidly shares his vision on the natural hair movement for the Going Natural Video Diaries.
Photo by Vinh Phung
Neco Williams is a 21 year old male model from Somerset, New Jersey who is enthusiastic about modelling, especially runway.
The cheerful model who choose to wear an Afro candidly shares his vision on the natural hair movement for the Going Natural Video Diaries.
I love this video for a number of reasons but mainly is because it’s candid. In the 10 years that I’ve been doing this, I have not had many men admitting that they were envious of straight hair. Actually none but a few did tell me that they too were walking around with towels on their head pretending to have long (straight?) hair when they were kids. Isn’t that interesting?
Wanting long hair growing up might be more of common theme then we think. Not just for girls apparently but also for boys. At least we seem to share the same hair vision when we are kids.
Furthermore, some of you may get offended by his words that as young girls we don’t really have our hair styled but I appreciate the fact that he shares his views honestly and I hope it broadens the dialogue of the issues around natural hair.
What I really liked is that he said our hair defies gravity. I really like that statement, don’t you? Let me know what you think. I look forward reading your comments.
You can see more of Neco at
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