These three words define me more than anyone will ever know. It feels so good to be able to live these words everyday of my life. I am free to live, love and to be natural. I know what it is to be restrained. I know what it is to be controlled. I know what it is to be abused.
At 29 years of age and a mother of four beautiful children, I have finally reached a point of freedom and happiness. I was once the victim of an abusive relationship. One that also targeted my natural hair. I was told that it was ugly, that it was anything but a thing of beauty. Sadly I began to believe it.
These three words define me more than anyone will ever know. It feels so good to be able to live these words everyday of my life. I am free to live, love and to be natural. I know what it is to be restrained. I know what it is to be controlled. I know what it is to be abused.
At 29 years of age and a mother of four beautiful children, I have finally reached a point of freedom and happiness. I was once the victim of an abusive relationship. One that also targeted my natural hair. I was told that it was ugly, that it was anything but a thing of beauty. Sadly I began to believe it.
I second guessed my decision to be me, to be natural. Once I wised up and gained the courage to depart from my misery, I embraced my locks more than ever. I realized that the abuse stemmed from the bitterness within the abuser and had NOTHING to do with me at all. I loved on my locks as if they were my children and fell head over heels in love with Desyray. The true, happy and NATURAL me. For the first time in my life I studied myself from head to toe and realized how beautiful I truly am. LOCKS AND ALL!!! I urge women to value our freedom. Our freedom to glow from inside out. Not to try and convince our insides of what beauty is by emmulating the media. I was granted the freedom to find myself, fall in love and live happily ever after. I am free to be natural and I am the happiest I’ve ever been!