I approached this challenge feeling oh so dignified!! My hat, to me, is so classy and and very stylish. I matched my hat to this location because the old bridge put me in the mind of an old Victorian structure. I felt that it along with the hat went hand in hand. I chose to focus mainly on the accessories and the hat which is why I chose to conceal my clothing.
If a designer selects me to model jewelry, they want the entire focus on the pieces without distraction. The buyer’s attention is directly aimed at the merchandise. I had so much fun completing this challenge as well as a lover of hats and natural hair. This challenge displays the continued versatility of adorning natural hair!
I approached this challenge feeling oh so dignified!!!
My hat, to me, is so classy and and very stylish.
I felt that it along with the hat went hand in hand.
I chose to focus mainly on the accessories and the hat which is why I chose to conceal my clothing.
… A lover of hats and natural hair!