alisha owens Transitioning Thoughts Natural Hair Story, transitioning, transition, From Relaxed to Natural, Going natural 0
I’ve gone through my life getting relaxers and dyes and weaves and things that are not nice to my hair. I ended up going on a cut-friendly spree one night and cut my hair into a mohawk. I saw how quickly (and NATURAL) the sides had grown back and I was EXCITED! I thought about cutting my hair, but kept refusing and telling myself it was the wrong thing to do. Then one night after washing some MORE weave (AND GLUE) and out my hair I realized I was truly sick and tired of doing my hair BAD DEEDS. I CUT IT. I went for it and just CHOPPED IT ALL OFF!! I was proud and felt rejuvenated. But then when I started researching and trying to figure the Natural Hair World out.. felt like I’d done another bad deed to my precious hair. I feel like I should have just waited until it was professionally cut. My hair isn’t growing as fast as I think it should be and it’s just starting to get frustrating…
I went there to see more things and tips and learn new stuff about going natural and I’d notcied everyone talking about “Transitioning…” I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT THAT IS. Because I’ll think it’s one thing and it’ll seem like somerhing else when I hear someone else talking about it… I need to learn these things.. Someone HELP ME OUT!
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