alicia Transitioning Thoughts From Relaxed to Natural, Going natural, Natural Hair Story, transitioning, tired 0
I have attempted several times in the past to go natural but never followed through. It was hard to maintain the two textures and my hair just would not cooperate: one day it would style; the other it would be frizzy and would not stay in place. So I would go ahead and yank out the box and get to perming those tresses.
But nine months ago I decided I would go natural again after doing more research (via youtube and talking to ladies that made the change). The plan is to transition for a year and then go for the BC. I didn’t want to do the BC since there wasn’t much new growth, therefore, I transitioned my nine months. I wore a lot of protective styles like sew-ins, quick weaves, and wigs. For the first time out of all my PRIOR ATTEMPTS I was actually doing it. Although, the issue popped up every time I took my hair down-what am I going to do with this?! I was torn between relaxing it or going for the BC! I didn’t want to face my natural hair per say because I didn’t know what to do with it. As a result, I throw in another sew-in or buy a new wig just to avoid dealing with my curly texture.
The more I watched videos for natural hair, the more anxious I became to cut off my treated hair. And I found my self being anxious to see growth and length as I trimmed my hair by 2″ every month! If I have learned anything throughout these long nine months, is patience. Transitioning takes time and patience to go through the process. Luckily I had a lot of support and encouragement and the ability to do my own hairstyles during this phase. My cheerleading team is what got me through, seriously!!
Now currently…I plan on getting my hair braided within a week or so. I began thinking why not just BC now instead of waiting till this summer since I plan on rocking braids for a couple of months? Looking back at all of my protective styles, my hair grew back out as it was being cut each month; so I really didn’t miss the length that was being chopped off.
Welp….early this morning, at 2:26 AM, I went for the BC!! Ahhhhhh!!! I could not believe all the hair I was cutting off (only about 4″…but still). The hardest part of watching my hair shrink before my eyes, with each snip, was the memory of how I struggled to get my hair back healthy enough to have length again. Back in the day my hair was so damaged from getting perms at an early age (and my mom gave me S-Curls and Jerry Curls too-chil’ please, lol). And it resulted in my struggling to get my hair back to a healthy state that would grow. Anywho…I made it through the chop.
And I admit, I feel so free! It is ALL natural and I can do whatever…WHATEVER…I want with my hair. I can run in the rain, or swim, or just throw a little water on it and some moisturizer and go. But…I feel naked at the same time; I think until it grows out more, I’ll keep rocking the protective styles. I have a slightly TWA going on here. It is going to take some getting used to but I am here and ready to continue my journey with the hair I was born with!
Ladies if you want to go natural…it is possible! But be prepared to practice patience. This is just the beginning for me. I made it through the transition phase, now I just have to get acclimated with my no chemical hair. So far I know that my hair LOVES Shea butter! I am ready to learn more about my hair and watch it grow. Off I go to experiment with my all natu-ral hair!
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