Alice Arao The Headband Challenge, America's Next Natural Model natural, naps, coils, essence, embracing, kinks 0
Wearing my hair in locs has taught me many things but the one I love most is stay true to who you are, the natural you. Throughout our lives we are told to be a certain way in order to be perceived as beautiful.
Wearing my hair in locs has taught me many things but the one I love most is stay true to who you are, the natural you. Throughout our lives we are told to be a certain way in order to be perceived as beautiful. However, (through my hair) I’ve learned that true beauty comes from how unique we all truly are.
Embracing my hair for its natural strength and versatility has allowed me to accept my inner character and allowed me to express that to the world. True beauty extends beyond the physical characterisitics because along with physical attributes you need to accept yourself for who you are.
My hair is a symbol of my pride which I hope will encourage other women of all ages to embrace how beautiful our natural hair is and exhibit their true beauty. So to all of you become one with your naps, kinks and coils just as I have.