Alissa Transitioning Thoughts hair, Going natural, Natural Hair Story, transitioning, thoughts, From Relaxed to Natural 0
Okay. So Today I’m just sitting here in my dorm on the computer, trying to figure out what I should do with my hair when I take the braids out. I really want to be able to do all that I can for my hair, but on my budget I don’t know what effective but cheap products I should buy. Especially since it’s still freezing outside. I have only been natural for about 8 months. I transitioned the first 5 and about 3 months ago I cut off my relaxed hair. I was just sitting here thinking back on the time when I had long natural hair when I was younger. But my hair was very coarse and my mom knew nothing about hair. So to manage it she started perming it when I was almost 8. And from there it went from just above the middle of my back, to my shoulders, and eventually my neck. But now I’ve grown to love the naturl hair that I not to long ago resented. It’s only been a short amount of time but in that time I’ve learned so much about my hair, and really just natural hair in general. And it’s so amazing because, I even inspired my mom to go back to her natural hair, and she was bold enough to BC! GO mom! lol. I laugh because my chicken butt was to afraid, but now I love my afro that I walk around with when it’s out. I really don’t know how long my hair currently is, but It’s a little past ear length when it’s shruken. I haven’t straightened it since I cut it, but when it’s warmer I will. I just want my hair to be the healthiest it can be. At first I was obsessed with gaining length, but now I just want it to be the healthiest it can be. And I know that when it’s healthy, In return it will grow to it’s full potential. But, now I just have to be resourceful with what I can afford, put into practice what I have learned, and enjoy the journey that I am taking.
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