Corey Vinson
Age: 23
Location: North Carolina
Occupation: Physical Trainer
Why do you choose to wear your hair this way?
I wear my hair dreaded for religious purposes.
Who does your hair and how often do you get it done?
I have been getting my hair done by Tonya Oneal for the past 5 years, and I maintain the appearance once a month.
Have you ever been ridiculed or stereotyped because of your hair?
I am currently pursuing my modeling career and there were several occasions in which agents classified me as a “thug” because of my dreads.
If yes how did you respond?
I moved past the situation.
What does your hair mean to you? Is it just hair? Would you cut it off for a job in the corporate world?
My hair is apart of me now, therefore I would not cut it for a job in the corporate world.
When what, how was your best and worst hairdo?
At age 10, I wore a rat tail hair style. I would consider my dreads my best hairdo.
Are you single/married/dating?
How important is a woman’s hair to you?
It is not important to me.
Do you prefer relaxed, weaved or natural hair?
It does not matter
Why do you think so many black women wear their hair unnatural and do you have a problem with it?
They may not be completely comfortable with their appearance.
Would you break up with someone because of their hairstyle?
Would you date a woman with a short natural?
What is more important in a woman: that her hair looks good, smells good or feels good?
Smells good
Do you think you should see a woman’s real hair before marrying her?
Now what is really the most important thing for you look for in a woman (besides beautiful hair of course)?
Her body and mind.