Alisha Transitioning Thoughts From Relaxed to Natural, hair, Going natural, styles, Natural Hair Story, transitioning, contests 0
So I entered 2 contests! This is something that I don’t normally do because I always feel like there are so many other women who are prettier and thinner than me. I decided to enter the M∙A∙C Me Over! contest. I have the opportunity with win a trip to NY and to star in a worldwide MAC campaign! That is uber exciting!! I LOVE doing make-up and love MAC make-up! Make-up is a cool way for me to express myself! So yea…Just wanted to let you guys know. Although it may not be likely that I win, you never know! Here is the link to my entry if you wanna see it!
The second contest that I entered is America’s Next Natural Model! This is even more exciting to me because it has to do with one of my best assets…..MY HAIR!!!! I love my hair and so do my friends and I’m very versatile. I thought this might also be a great deal of fun if I am chosen. I usually very unlucky when it comes to winning stuff or even being chosen to possible win something, but for some reason my heart and brain were like, “Do it, do it..!” And my mouth was like, “Done and done!” And before I knew it, I’d emailed my application with photos to the website! I am anxious to see if I am chose to participate! It would be nice. So for the mean time I would like to share a link with you guys to my Hair Style album on Facebook. I try to update it with a new hairstyle ever so often. Tell me what you think!
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