Allie Dee Transitioning Thoughts Natural Hair Story, transitioning, angela, From Relaxed to Natural, hair, natural, journey, Going natural 0
I Love being a Naturalista!!
My Natural hair journey began while I was pregnant with my daughter Zaina (now almost 17 months). I decided to STOP getting relaxers, my hair was overly processed and thinning out! As I began to transition the stares and comments started to come full circle..”What’s wrong with your hair?” “You need to perm that ish!” And the most devastating of all is these words came from black men and women! I was really discouraged but I had a deeper reason as to why I wanted to STOP the creamy crack, I was having a little Goddess and I knew she would look up to me and imitate me…I wanted to be at my very best for her nd show her how beautiful our Natural beauty is!
My journey to become a healthier, more happier me consisted of many critical decisions…I had to eat better, think better, surround myself with better people…I had to DO better!
As I transitioned I let my hair do what it wanted pretty much, I wanted it to do its thang and boy oh boy..did it! It grew out fast and thick over my 10 months of pregnancy…the prenatal vitamins were the best!
On January 14th, 2010 I gave birth to a 6 pound 4 ounce 22 inch Princess!!! Yay I was soooo happy!! When she was 10 days old I went for the Big Chop….I decided enough is enough, I wanted it all gone! Seeing my hair fall to the floor was liberating, freeing and it felt as if a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders! And if I must say so myself, I looked good! My family and friends were shocked to see me rocking a Tiny Fro and putting it mildly they weren’t too happy about it..but it was my hair and I did it for my daughter! People often ask me how I got up enough courage to cut it off and I give all credit to my daughter..she was my courage, my motivation and my strength throughout my journey!
Now I’m approaching 17 months all Natural and it has been a great Journey….I have learned self-LOVE, and self-ACCEPTANCE!!!
For all the newly naturals…don’t fret over the stares or comments, going Natural is a journey well worth it! And always remember…GOD never makes mistakes and our Natural hair is no exception!!
Be Beautiful, being you SiSTARS!!!
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