Hey, my name is Shinequa and I am hearing impaired. I have been pure natural for
a year without heat.I have heard that you had second big chop on youtube channel. My question is why did you have to go through the second big chop?
Hello Shinequa,
Thank you for your interest.
I had to do my 2nd chop was because a braider who was putting in extensions “cleaned the braids”. That means sheering with scissors along the braid to get rid of stray hair. Many braiders do this to make the style look neater.
The problem is that it is really bad for your own hair because the stray hairs are usually your own strands. And ratter than cleanly cutting the strands, they are ripped when the braids are being cleaned, leaving the ends blunt. It takes a long time before your hair can recover from this. That’s why I had to do the Big Chop again but in general, you don’t need a 2nd big chop. Only if you make a mistake like I did.