
Challenge 8 – Letter to State the Case for Natural Hair
In this 8th Challenge, it is apparent that these awesome contestants put in a considerable amount of effort, time and energy to meet this challenge. Unfortunately, none of the entries submitted sounded like a professional letter to an official. I think this is a case of perhaps over-thinking the challenge. I was expecting to read […]
Making the Case for Natural Hair: The State of Black Hair v. FDA Approved Chemical Relaxers, et al.
Did you know that hair straighteners such as relaxers cause scalp burns, scarring, alopecia, other forms of hair loss and male-patterned baldness in more than 60% of African-American women who use them regularly? This is a very serious matter, one which must be addressed in a way that cannot be pushed under the carpet and […]
Free Satin Pillow Case
Do you want to feel what the contestants are talking about? Sign up to receive your own free pillowcase.