alisha Hodge Transitioning Thoughts Going natural, Natural Hair Story, transitioning, products, styling, From Relaxed to Natural 0
Well like I stated before my hair is VERY thick and I’ve been doing bantu knot outs because they are easy(yes I’m lazy)and I love them, but I noticed that after the first day my hair would become very course and dry I tried all the oils such as tea tree oil, olive oil and the cantu shea butter for the leave-in and it was still just dry and not soft. After watching a couple of videos on youtube I found out about ECO STYLER GEL….LOVE IT!!!LOL I tried it last night on my bantu knots and this morning omg my hair was so soft and managable…my hair felt like cotton even at the crown because that is where my hair was so course and it is also very inexspensive 2.29 for a 16oz and I didnt have to use that much so it should last a while. I also picked up Bronner Bros. Oil Moisturizer with castor oil and aloe this also works very well for me this is also inexspensive…I think it was like 2.98 and I only use a dime size on my hair at night before I go to bed. Im about a month and a half in with my transition and so far so good…like before any suggestions let me kno : )
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