Natasha: I guess you were the first to upload your photos this time. Unfortunately it’s not good news. Your pictures don’t say model at all. Your shoot looks like it has been randomly done with a picture phone. Natasha, I am sorry to say, you are the 2nd one to leave the competition.
Munya: The head wrap in your 1st pictures looks amazing. Love the fabric, love the color combination. I would have loved if you had instructions on how to do this fancy wrap so I could try it myself. Having said that, I like your photos but it’s really just like. When I ask for a head wrap, I really like to see at least one tight close-up so I can almost feel the wrap and see the details. There is not really one shot that I would choose for a billboard to promote fancy fabric. You know what I mean? See Take the picture on the right.
Ebony: wonderful job. Great close-ups. You can see the texture, you can see that your hair is well moisturized, healthy and shiny and you look happy with your curls. That is what I am looking for. I like the one with the hair in your face, nice and different. Love how your eyes smile through your curls, not sure if it’s a billboard shot like in the Jamaican Mango Lime one but these are sure editorial.
Nina: So beautiful and colorful! Your poses are great, your hair looks nice. I love your 4 last shots. Different expressions, different poses. And your makeup is outstanding. Did you do that yourself? Really well done! Keep it up, please.
Timolin: I really like shot 4. Too bad you can’t see the doodle just a li’l bit more but I like how you look, your pose. It’s like you let the outside world take a peek in your styling privacy. I like shots 7, 8 and 9 as well. Very creative but I wish there was one tight close head shot where I could clearly see your doodles.
Raven: Are you tired of this competition? You don’t have a cover shot and it’s like you don’t mind. The photographer sent the shots late so you just upload one of the other ones as your cover. Wouldn’t have been a problem.
I like shot 9 the best. I like your look and your smile. Overall you have very different expressions which is good for a model but the pictures aren’t really professional looking. I see shadows etc, it looks like they are taken inside. Try some outside day light shots next time.
Denitrika: I can see improvement in your poses but the shots are far from professional. You see more wall then you. The focus should be on you but you almost get lost in the big wall behind you. It looks like you have very nice definition. Too bad we don’t get to see a good shot of that.