Munya I look at your photos and you remind me of a breath of fresh hair. You seem to exude a calm inner peace. My only qualm, is that I would have liked to see more head shots. This would’ve allowed the focus to be more on your head wrap and hair.
Raven You managed to showcase the feather headdress in a formal and casual look. This is very helpful to consumers! This week, and last I enjoy your pictures because you provide versatility, while bringing your personality to every shot.
Nina Looking at your hairstyle, I want it! Your instructions are clear, and easy to follow with the bullet points. Last week I loved your vibrant use of colors. I think you were smart to tone the clothes down to focus on your accessories! I can’t wait to see what you do next…
Ebony I think you were one of the few models who managed to get close and personal. Head shots are a great way to showcase the accessories. Last week, your photos were one of my favorites. This week, I would have enjoyed more versatility. On your second shot, with the up-do, if the camera was turned a little more to the right, the picture would be perfect for a hair accessory catalog.
Laura OMG – you look like a different person this week. Before we saw a sophisticated musical cow girl…now a casual radiant beauty. Great picture with The Braid Roller. I would’ve like to see more versatility. However, you were the only one to show the stage of getting your hair done with no shoes! We can all relate!!
Timolyn You have a beautiful smile. You managed to show the Cowrie Headband with three different styles. You managed to highlight the Cowrie Headband in most of your shots. This worked well for you!
Stephanie I am praying for a speedy recovery for your father! I admire your determination. After applying the Roller Braid, your locs are wrapped and ready for the harsh elements like snow. You told the consumer a story!
Natasha When you said you loved the headband, I could see it in your smile. I loved the picture of you on the water. You mentioned the peppermint smell. I thought it would be cool if you used a water analogy to describe the Roller Braid.