I went natural in 2008 because my daughter was 3 and starting to talk like me and wear my shoes and go in my accessories, so I thought what better time then to start over and set an example for her by showing her you can be yourself and beautiful without straightening your hair or changing yourself to fit it.
Name: Alysia Robinson
Profession/Location: HIA,United States
Email: alysiarobs@gmail.com
When, why and how did you go natural?
I went natural in 2008 because my daughter was 3 and starting to talk like me and wear my shoes and go in my accessories, so I thought what better time then to start over and set an example for her by showing her you can be yourself and beautiful without straightening your hair or changing yourself to fit it.
When and why did you start locking.
What method did you choose and why?
I transitioned by letting the permed/straight hair just die off, and clipped the ends every so often.
What was the worst part of your journey?
My hair texture is a constant battle in choosing styles and deciding what to do with it.
And the best part?
I love creating styles and making them better with each attempt.
What did your hair journey teach you?
My hair journey has taught me patience, perseverance, and self love. I always loved me but now I love the me with the hair God gave me.
Describe your worst hairdo and your best hairdo and please include a picture if you can.
My worse hairdo is my puff because it depends on the weather as to how it turns out… my best hairdo is a tie between my bun and my twisted updo.
Looking back, has your perception of your hair or black hair in general changed? Please elaborate.
No not really because I have always had experience in styling & caring for natural hair because I am a hairstylist.
Most girls loved their first perm. Do you remember yours? Was it a special occassion, how old were you and how did you feel about it?
I remember my first perm and I hated it. I was tender headed and my hair is fine and soft texture anyway so I never understood why I ever got one.
What is your favorite hairstyle?
How long have you been a member and how did you find going-natural.com?
2 days, coworker referred me!
What is your favorite youtube video?
Too many to count
I love my hair because:
its mine and its free!!!!