alicia edmunds Transitioning Thoughts From Relaxed to Natural, Going natural, Natural Hair Story, beginning, transitioning 0
So here’s a little introduction to me: I’m a 23 old year old female living in Brooklyn, NY. I’ve been through a lot in the past two years. While I’ve had negative and positive experiences, I’ve continued on the path to self-actualization. I switched my career path from psychology to social work. My moviation in this field is rooted in my spirituality and commitment to help the Black community. I continuously try to learn about different cultures and demolish all biases that I was taught while living in a Caribbean household. Yet, I feel I’m missing something.
My nationality is mixed and has always made me try to find my own identity. My parents are Belizean, but my mother is half-Spaniard and my father is half-Mexican. During my childhood, this has made confused of how to identify myself. As I got older, I embraced my Blackness within culture, traditions and even romantic relationships. Living in East Flatbush, the biggest Caribbean community in NYC, I began to identify with the black condition. Within social work, I familized myself with hidden systems of oppression.
However, I continued to follow the social standard of what “beauty” is, in the form of straight long hair. I’ve had relaxed hair for 10-11 years and weaves for 1 year. I want to break through this last obstacle and reclaim my natural hair. I’m not sure where to start. So far, I contacted someone in Brooklyn who specializes in natural Black hair for advice. So
wish me luck everyone…
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