Allison Burnett Transitioning Thoughts From Relaxed to Natural, Going natural, Natural Hair Story, months, transitioning 0
I am now a few days away from my 4 month mark into transitioning. It is definitely a journey. One that I am loving but frustrated with at times. I am determined to make it to 5 months before I cut all of my relaxed hair off. I have been trimming a little each time I wash though. I would just much rather a professional handle the final cutting so that I no for sure I dont miss any relaxed hair in the cutting away. So far I’ve been doing bantu knots but loosened to give me a curly fro, straw set, twist outs and braid outs, I can’t braid so my style options are limited. Anyway, I love running my fingers through my natural curls that I think is maybe 2 inches now or close to it. I cant really be sure though cause Im not positive where the relaxed hair ends the natural hair begins. Im debating on whether I want to get kinky twists after I cut my hair or if I just want to rock the twa! My BC will be right before my 31st birthday so this will be the big reveal for a new stage in my life. Im so ready for this change and I have been an advocate for natural hair ever since I’ve begun to educate myself this past few months. I know for sure now that this change is definitely what I need!
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