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The annual Going Natural Hair show is coming up so we are looking for talented models, male and female, who can own the stage while rocking their beautiful natural crowns. If you feel like this is you, or you know someone, please contact us or pass it on.
What is in it for you?
Not only do you get a once in a life time experience to walk the runway in front of a colorful audience looking for styles and cheering you on, you also get:
1) A fabulous hair style worth at least $100 by one of the professional natural hairstylists taking part.
2) You will be on the catwalk showing off amazing Diaspora designers and you may even be able to choose your own styles at WhatNaturalsLove.com.
3) Exposure! Not only will there be tons of people cheering you on and taking pictures to share on social media, the press is also invited and photographers and videographers will be there to record the event.
4) Credible credits: You will be credited as a model on going-natural.com with a link to your profile on facebook, instragram or youtube which we will share with our 60,000 followers on facebook.
5) Video with credit and exposure. The show will be recorded so not only will you also be featured in the video, you will be able to use it for your blog to share the experience with your own audience.
To read about last year’s show see Report: The Back to the Future of my Roots Natural Hair show. If you are interested, please contact us.
Are you a natural hair blogger, vlogger or instagrammer but never participated in a natural hair show? Well you should and this is your chance! Check out the last hair show at: Going Natural presents Black Follicles Matter; dashingly outstanding hairstyles to break barriers and create awareness
Visit us at Going-Natural.com
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