Follow these steps to make your extension braids and cornrows work well for you.Moisturize scalp regularly: Moisturize your scalp and the braids/cornrows on regular basis. Use a natural moisturizing product that suits your hair. Avoid applying too large or too small amounts to the scalp in order to avoid drying out or weighing down your integrations. The aim should be to achieve a healthy luster without a greasy or matted appearance.
Deep condition twice a week: Use conditioning oil on the scalp as well as the extensions/cornrows with especial attention to their tips and edges. Apply a leave-in conditioner while going out to protect your scalp and your African American hair integrations. A great herbal product to keep your hair and scalp fresh and nourished while wearing extensions, cornrows, twists or locs is Going Natural Scalp Conditioning Spray. Find out more about it and give it a try.
Wash hair regularly: Styling natural hair with extensions or cornrows doesn’t mean that you can cut down on washing time. The hair with integrations rather needs to be washed regularly but with extra care. Massage only your scalp with the shampoo and not the braids/cornrows but make sure that they get thoroughly rinsed with water. If you are worried about losing the slick appearance of your integrations due to shampooing, do it once a week or once every one and a half week.
Sleep with a satin pillowcase: Cotton and polyester is known to strip your hair off its moisture and the rubbing can break it off. Use a silky pillowcase to sleep on or alternately cover your braids/cornrows with a silk scarf while sleeping to avoid breakage, frizz and thinning of hair.
Take out integrations and redo periodically: Whereas most extensions can go on without needing a redo for 2–3 months, cornrows may need to be opened up and re-done in few weeks depending upon the condition they are in. This will ensure your hair get to breath in between braids/cornrow and you will also get to measure your hair growth.
Trim every 2-3 months: To keep your hair healthy and enhance growth, make sure you trim your hair routinely.
Eat healthy: There’s no substitute for a good, balanced diet and the benefits it provides to your hair and scalp internally. Use more proteins to give your hair health from within.
Be gentle with your hair: Don’t try brushing or pulling your extensions/cornrows for it will have a damaging effect on your scalp. As low maintenance hairstyles as they can be, they will easily be damaged with rough handling.
Never neglecting your scalp and extensions/cornrows is the key to successfully wearing this natural
Going Natural Hair Care for Black Women, African American Men and Children