Honestly this hat would not be a hat I would pick out if I were shopping for one! But this challenge gave me an opportunity to try something different. When I first got the hat the first thing I saw of was the 1970’s/ retro vibe. But I began to compare it to other hats I have. Will it keep my head warm? How can I wear this hat and stand out? So I went all through Brooklyn, NY sporting my new hat. In order to get a feel for the different looks and rock it out retro style
Even though most of us are aware that the body should be insulated against the cold, very few of us know that body heat usually attempts to escape not from the body but the head. Fortunately, for this shoot it was cold outside so I could test out whether or not it could protect my head from the cold and still be fashionable. Beneficially the inside of the hat had an insulated layer of material underneath the knitted top portion of the hat, which actually kept my head very warm. This was surprising! Since it is difficult from me to find a hat that is attractive and actually does it’s job against the winter weather. The only thing I wished was for the hat to be a bit larger so I could have put hair up. But overall I do like the hat and what how it did it’s task of protecting my head from the cold and allowing insulated body heat to stay where it belong.