My Nappy Hair Cut
Most of us nappy heads don’t like going to salons. Very few know how to treat our precious tresses, let alone to cut them and we don’t want to end up looking like a mad black woman. Barbershops have the most experience when it comes to natural hair.
Many barbers are incredibly creative and know how to cut hair with precision almost as accurate as a computer. So, I with my hair in a couple of big all over the place twists, I went to the barber around the corner for a good old trim. When it was my turn I took the twists out but I think the guy got a little scared when he saw my bush. My hair is no more special then other naps. His colleague had more hair than me, so I wasn’t sure why he looked so scared. When he wanted to pull a pick through my hair, I was the one who got scared. So I said, “Hmm I don’t think that’s going to work.” He said “Well, you have to comb it out for me to give you a trim.” I guess he was right. When I asked him how he normally trims afro’s he said he blows them out. Then I got really, really scared.
Tender headed me and blow-drying are a non-match whatsoever. I bought a cheap blow dryer to try the shingling method of curve salon and very quickly I gave up. It’s really not for me. It might be because I am left handed. Or, maybe I am still traumatized from the relaxed days when the beauticians used to pull my hair, with a blow dryer that was way, way too hot. Ai, I can still feel it. Yeah, I know I will never be beautiful.
As usual, again I just went home to do my own thing. If you happen to be in the same situation here is how I did it. Good luck and let me know if it worked for you.
Part your hair and take it step by step. Make sure that the part you want to trim is out and the rest of your hair out of the way. Either clipped or in a twist but out of the way. Then carefully comb the part. Start at the ends and work to the roots. Take your time.
How to cut natural hair, 4c hair
Once your hair is tangle fee, take a brush and brush through the naps. Don’t take just any brush. Use a Denman or a look alike. That is quite important because most brushes will tear our hair apart. So, make sure the needles of your brush are rounded from anti-static plastic in a rubber base. Sharp edges will damage your hair. This brush is also better than a fine toothed comb because they can damage the hair as well.
After you brushed through your hair, you will see that the ends that need to be trimmed stand out. If your hair is just combed out with a wide tooth comb you’re risking cutting a little too much because you don’t see the stand out ends. You don’t want to cut too much, do you? Now you are ready to trim so trim off what is needed.
If you are satisfied with your cut add your favorite conditioner to your hair and brush through, once more. Then make a braid or a twist whatever you prefer and continue with the next section.
Here is the result. Since I am still not a master in parting I prefer wearing a hat. Viola!

Going Natural Hair Care for Black Women, African American Men and Children