Mireille Liong Nappy News natural, Black Beauty, live, giveaway, Buy Black, periscope, Black History Month, Natural Hair 0
I hope you’re having a great Black History Month so far! I know we do and with all the gifts we’ve received from Black owned companies, this year’s celebration is just extra special.
Updates are coming
Before I get to the details of the giveaway, I want to share with you that I am working on a vigorous redesign of going-natural.com. Listening to your feedback the site needs to be more user friendly and much more to the point. Not only is that just what I am going to do, I will also incorporate more of the new social technologies into the site so that we can become even more of a community. Stay tuned!
The Giveaway
Now that Black History Month 2016 is coming to an end it’s time to do the giveaway and we are going to make it even more historic.
Not only will we show you everything we’ve got from each and every one of your very own Black owned companies, we are going to bring it to you live!
Live via Periscope
That is right. Celebrating Black History month didn’t slow me down. If anything, it inspired me.
I am not sure if you’ve heard of Periscope but with this new live broadcasting tool, Going-Natural can do live giveaways and that is just what we are going to do.
How does it work? Very simple. All you have to do is tune in on Sunday 12 PM EST @ BlackFollicles.
What is super special about the Periscope broadcast is that I can respond to your comments and answer your questions live while we’re broadcasting. However, to comment and ask questions you have to download the app but you will see that on the page.
So I hope you all tune in for the first live giveaway broadcast this Sunday at noon EST.
If you want to make sure you don’t miss it follow me on Twitter now so you will get a heads up before we go live. https://twitter.com/blackfollicles
In the meantime, check out our beautiful contestants. These natural hair models need you to vote and share their picture.
As a bonus, check out: Canis Familiarity better known as the Dog!