Alois Hertz Feedback Week 7, America's Next Natural Model challenge, feedback, ebony, clark, accessories 0
ReShonda–You did a good job of showcasing the accessories. I see that you switched it up a bit this week regarding your poses, and I love that you don’t mind looking dead on into the camera. Beautiful!
Nefertiti–Although you look great, I believe you would be more successful in your challenges provided the quality of your photos were better. Your smile is beaming, but I am unable to get past your background and photo quality. If I was flipping through a magazine, I would be unaware that you were selling anything. I just looks as if your friend/relative was taking pictures of you before and outing.
Desyray–I love how dramatic but subtle your makeup is done. Your eyes are smoldering underneath the hat, but your nude lips allow the color and details of the hat and jewelry to get some attention. Your pictures are clear, and as usual you look confident and poised. Very nice!
Chassity–Good job of showcasing the accessories! You look beautiful as always, but this week was a little “vanilla” for me. I have to say, most your photos were a little far away. I would have loved to see more close ups of you and the details of the product.
Kala–WOOOW! Your photos looks like a real spread in a magazine! I was excited to see that the each photo was just as fabulous as the one before it!!!! The colors, poses, hair styles, makeup, etc., were all HOT! You would definitely have me interested in purchasing the accessories if this was a true ad. LOOOOVE IT!
Top Fave: Kala
Least Fave: Nefertiti