Thank you for the experience!!
Thank you Sponsors, thank you supporters! Thank you going-natural for the experience!
Thank you Sponsors, thank you supporters! Thank you going-natural for the experience!
I am free. Free to be. Nappy, bald, wig or straight, allow me to do ME! Dear America, Fall on your knees and thank The Most High for allowing you to live in The Land of Opportunity! Remember, that as you exercise freedom choose not to oppress your fellow neighbor- for they too live […]
Symmetry vs. Asymmetry. GOD made all things wonderfully. Typically when describing someones face as symmetrical one tends to think that it is more beautiful than a face described as asymmetrical. When decorating walls with picture frames, people often line them up straight with one another because it gives an illusion of balance. But we have to open our eyes and […]
we are getting closer and closer to the end…I submitted challenge 6 last nite and hope that it is received well. I got to shoot with one of my favorite photographers! He shoots hair really well…I got my hair done for the first time in a looooooooong time! Took me back to the days when […]
I had to really motivate myself to do this challenge….so much going on. Just frustrated all around:( And YIKES…eliminations begin and I dont celebrate Holidays!
Just posted Challenge 4…ugh, it was tough narrowing down which photos to choose…But hopefully I made the right decisions! This time around I spent a little more time on the article than usual. When receiving the challenge, I worked on the article portion immediately and set up my photoshoot a little earlier b/c I am […]
MODEL (mod’l): Not a representation of perfection, but a perfect example of a malleable form that has no limitations as to what it can create. T.Borum
I had a photoshoot for challenge 3 yesterday (With F. Rankin) and will be shooting again today (with my boo:). That is my favorite part! I enjoy being creative in finding ways to sell a brand. Being part of this competition is hopefully preparing me for bigger things in the future. I lost my job […]
Give your body the attention it needs! Say “BYE BYE ashy Face, hands, toes and knees” 🙂
My crown is my glory. Thick locs tell a story. From the roots to the tip you can get to know me. I’ve learned the beauty of these napps And through my care I found myself perhaps.
I cannot believe this is the end! As sad as I am to see this chapter of my life close I’m glad I had this opportunity as I have learned a great deal about myself through this journey.
As a new college student I love going out on the weekends with my friends and I love stand-out looks!