Interested in everything natural, I decided to go to the famous World Natural Hair & Beauty Show in Atlanta. What a trip it was. It was great to connect with fellow nappy heads and especially with the ones I had met on the forum of
Interested in everything natural, I decided to go to the famous World Natural Hair & Beauty Show in Atlanta. What a trip it was. It was great to connect with fellow nappy heads and especially with the ones I had met on the forum of and now got to meet in person.
I was just in awe of all the stuff that I saw. Hair products, accessories hairstyles, hairstylists and just beautiful people, an overwhelming of them natural.
We could get a free hair/scalp analysis which I did, you could get your picture taken, which I did but I didn’t really try out a lot of products because there were just so many. I did two workshops, watched incredible shows and met Carol’s Daughter in person.
What was absolutely awesome was the hair show. For the first time in my life I saw a hair show and then it was an all natural one. The theme was spring so I remember a gorgeous loced sculpture that was decorated with flowers but I was also incredibly impressed by the hairstyle with a drum in it.
My camera then wasn’t the best but I hope you get the idea of how wonderful this event was.