At a workshop I met Yaa and I like to share her experience because I think a few of you can probably relate to her. This beautiful lady with an Afro Puff style was convinced that her hair couln’t keep a coil let alone a curl.
Knowing her hair and her texture, she was also very reluctant to try any product she wasn’t familiar with. At a workshop I met Yaa and I like to share her experience because I think a few of you can probably relate to her. This beautiful lady with an Afro Puff style was convinced that her hair couln’t keep a coil let alone a curl. Knowing her hair and her texture, she was also very reluctant to try any product she wasn’t familiar with.
Only after reading the ingredients of the Curl Keeper she was willing to try a little bit on her hand, not her hair. Then when I asked her if she wanted proof that her hair could coil AND curl, she looked at me and said I know my hair doesn’t do that. so I said, all you have to do is take a seat in Adenike’s, my workshop partner’s chair. After a bit of hesitation she was willing to give the going natural hair products a try and what do you know; her hair coiled!
Yaa just couln’t believe that just the Curl Keeper and the Curly Twist Out Hair Milk could make such a difference. She kept saying but my hair doesn’t curl while smiling. For me this was mission accomplished because all we want is to make you happy with your natural hair and make sure you are aware of all your options.
Going Natural Hair Care for Black Women, African American Men and Children