Muyenga: The camera loves you. It looks easy for you. I think picture 4 can be used in a campaign but having said that I think you don’t show enough variety in your shots.
Ebony: I know you didn’t receive the products but I don’t miss them at all: great shoot! Love the first picturrrreeeee. I want o use it in my campaign. I like your eyes, you make big hair more than beautiful, desirable. I think you are really good at head shots because every shot your eyes look different in the camera. And that is pretty hard. Good job!
Nina: What I love about you is that you put in the effort and also enjoy the shoot. The orange looks good on you, your makeup is nice and even the green nail polish. You have a beautiful smile that the camera captures well too. My feedback for you is that you need to learn a bit more about posing. Shot 2 and 3 are just a little bit stiff.
Natasha: Thanks for making more of an effort this week. I like the Chicago shot, the yellow looks good on you but next time just think a little bit further the shirt is not real tight and not completely loose so it becomes distracting. You show variety to me and I like that. The shot that does it for me is the last one. The pose is a winner. Real nice profile but the execution could be better. The picture itself is not sharp enough.
Laura: I can definitely see progress. I like your first shot but the 2nd one your smile is not very natural. The 3rd one it is again and that is a very nice shot. Love the hair, love the smile.
Timolin! That hairstyle is absolutely fabulous! You look regal in the 4th shot. I like the idea of shot 2 and 3 but I wish I could see more of you and your hair and not that much of your arm. Overall good shoot, just think about that next time.
Stefanie: I love how you used the colors to express the warmth of the brand in the middle of the winter. I think you succeeded quite well. What I like about this shoot also is that we see a totally different side of you: sporty and playful. I like your 3rd pose the most. I think your first shot would’ve been better if you didn’t have that jacket on. It doesn’t flatter your arms. Your last shot, I have to say is a nonono. Why would you upload a shot without yourself in it? You are here to promote yourself as a model! A company can take shots like that on their own. They don’t need a model for that.
Raven: Your body poses are amazing. You can work it like no other. Very strong. You know your body your strengths and how to use them. Looking at your 2nd and 3rd shot though, I think you can work on your facical expressions. Your face doesn’t seem relaxed in those photos.
Denitrika: I know you thought I called you out last week and found it unfair so I hoped you would do really great this week so that I could praise you but unfortunately I can’t. Your shoot just doesn’t do it for me. Your hair looks in the last shots but the pictures are very unclear. They just don’t work. I am sorry.