Wow, the ladies absolutely brought their A-Game this week and clearly raised the level of the competition. This made my day! I was in awe when I saw the shoots but it made it so hard to choose just one best one for the newsletter this week. Even after reading the feedback of the other judges, I had to ask my husband and cousin to motivate their choice before I came to a decision. Read on and share your thoughts …
Carlie, I like photo 5 and 4 the best. Photo 4 shows the scarf very well and you carry it beautifully. Shot 5 is also a lovely shot but overall I think and hope you can do much much better. The pictures are just not sharp enough for a professional look or feel. This one is a little dark and grainy and shot 5 looks like the camera moved and you have a large shadow in the back. I like your idea of photo 3 but the basket takes more attention than you or the scarf. For the next challenge: You are a beautiful woman and I think the camera loves you but you just got to allow the camera to capture you.
Kala: I think you listened well. Your whole series is versatile. I like how you play with your poses, your choice of colors and the versatility of your wraps. I also think you choose your background well. It’s all good but unfortunately I think it’s not good enough. Take a look at the pictures of some of the other contestants who just raised the level by bringing their A-game. I think you can help raise that level as well and I look forward to it. Jalita: Awesome! I think you aced this shoot. It draws people in. The shot has everything. It’s creative, mysterious, sexy, colorful and what I love most of all is how you make nappy hair and full lips super attractive. The whole series is good. You show your range as a model. All I can say is keep it up!
Desyray. You were the exception this week, the only one who received a hat and I think you did a very good job with this photo. I have a hat like this right here and I hardly wear it but when I saw this photo, I thought, wow that is a nice hat, I have to wear it more often. You simply show the shape of the hat but do it so well and that is what a client wants from a model. Your first pose is also really nice and soulful but I miss a closer view in poses 3 and 4. Your hairstyle looks really creative and beautiful but I just can’t see it well enough. Next shoot, ace all 5 shots. Reshonda: This photo is breath taking. It looks effortless. Like the light just compliments your beautiful features. You clearly have that gift. You show versatility as well with the wraps and your hair out which is great but unfortunately the rest of the photos are not there yet. The good thing is it’s not you. Most of the photos are in the shadow so the light doesn’t hit you right, the leafs in the background in another photo are distracting. So I think what you need is just a better photographer. You got the gift of beauty, what you need is a photographer who can capture that. Nefertiti: Wow, just wow. This photo is awesome Nerfertiti. Your wrap, the colors, your makeup, your look. Very well done! I like how you show versatility with wraps and how you play with your looks. It was a very tough choice but I would say this challenge you are definitely in the top 3. I hope you can keep it up and even move up. You clearly got it, we just can’t wait to see it! Chassity! I can’t believe what you did with that scarf. I have one just like that here in my hands and just wonder how you did that! A-mazing. Are you the queen of wrap? Absolutely great shoot. Your makeup is a gorgeous match, I love the whole composition. Very professional shoot. The only criticism if you could call it that is that I wish I could see the wrap from the back. There is one point that I do have to criticize you on and that is that there are no credits allowed in the shots. Last week I said it to Desyray and the rest of you: you can credit the photographer by listing their name and even include a link but the photos can’t have credentials in them. Sponsors won’t use them. So please leave that out next time.
Justyce: I am sorry you didn’t receive the scarf in time but I think you choose a nice one yourself. Nice and colorful. I think this is your best shot of this week. You look happy and I like the colors. I like your poses in photo 1 and 2 but I am not sure you really get a natural wrap sense. Maybe I am wrong but it looks as if your hair is pressed or maybe you have heat damage? Please fill us in if you like. You sure show potential but you have to do much better if you want to stay in the race.
Natasha, you did so well in challenge 1 that we expected a lot more from you this time. So I think expectations may have been really high for you so I am a bit disappointed. It’s an ok shoot, your makeup like last looks very good, I like your pose on the ground but there is no photo that wowed me. You are definitely not out yet but I hope you can wow us at least one more time. Jael: I am sorry to say that non of your shots are very good ones. This shot is really a very regular digital phone/facebook type of photo. Then, instead of 5 you posted 3 shots, I wonder why and then it’s more or less 3 of the same shots. You have the same scarf as Chassity, look at the difference in creativity, style and execution. It’s major. Jael, I think you are a beautiful woman and it’s hard for me to say that I think you have the least potential of all the contestants. For the winner it was a tough very tough call between Chassity and Jalita. In the end my choice is Jalita. She shows more variety and versatility in her poses and shots. The compositions of the photos are also artful and creative. To all of you ladies, well done, keep raising the level and keep awing us!