Michelle initially wanted to go natural in February of 2007. She went all the way to October but then gave into what her friends said and relaxed her hair. Highly disappointed she decided that that was the last time and gave transitioning another try. She knew she was ready when she chopped off about 2 inches of hair in the first 3 months.
Michelle Before
Before & After
Flattwisted curly puff
Michelle initially wanted to go natural in February of 2007. She went all the way to October but then gave into what her friends said and relaxed her hair. Highly disappointed she decided that that was the last time and gave transitioning another try. She knew she was ready when she chopped off about 2 inches of hair in the first 3 months.
June 20th 2008 is a day Michele will always remember. She did the BC and fell in love with her natural glory. Since then she tried different hairstyles and different products to figure out what her hair liked. In her 5th month of transitioning she was chosen as one of the few models to do the Going Natural Hair show. She was professionally styled by Khamit Kinks.
Khamit Kinks , one of the few natural hair salons in business for more than 20 years, created this fabulous style. Michelle’s had designer flat-twists. The elegant tiny flat-twists beautifully came together at the crown of her head, in loose twists. Just before the show started the twists were taken out to create this curly crown.
Visit Khamit Kinks for this or any other style. You can also call them at 718.422.2600