I must say that the challenges are getting harder to judge and the ladies continue to step up their game every week. The makeup applications are beautiful! Looking at the photos, I am still looking for that magazine spread ready shot that showcases the makeup, the hair, and the clothing for the Cheetah Chic look!
My top choice was
I must say that the challenges are getting harder to judge and the ladies continue to step up their game every week. The makeup applications are beautiful! Looking at the photos, I am still looking for that magazine spread ready shot that showcases the makeup, the hair, and the clothing for the Cheetah Chic look!
My top choice was Reshonda followed closely by Jalita
I feel that both of these ladies took the challenage and made it their own. Their looks were flawless and they thought about all aspects of the finished look (clothing, accessories, etc.). With Reshonda, I felt that her look was definitely cheetah chic and something that even I can master and look like a professional did it. She did an excellent job and I really felt her when she said that every woman should look in the mirror and say “I am sexy, I am beautiful, and I am ME”.
It was really hard to choose someone for elimination. I feel that all the ladies did a great job so how did I decide? I dediced to walk through the photos again and see which ones really spoke to me and which ones didnt. I choose Natasha for elimination because her photos just didnt speak to me.