Alma Ingram Challenge 3 - A Signature Style for Going Natural, America's Next Natural Model soft, great, desyray, choice, locks 0
I am a huge fan of conditioning. I feel that conditioning your hair is one of the most vital steps in hair care. Even though I have dread locks I still feel that I must condition my hair. Dread Locks are still suseptible to breakage just as loose hair is.
For conditioning I like to use Going Natural’s Hair Masque that’s good for both repair and protection.
I like for my dreads to feel soft.
I wash my dreads every two weeks to keep them both clean and healthy.
I also like Going Natural’s Silky Shea Hair Butter. It’s a great choice for soft locks.
To get the curly effect that I have, I put a setting lotion on every 3-4 dreads and use plastic rods right before sitting under the hair dryer. This curly dreaded look lasts for 2 weeks.
Versatility isone of the keys to enjoying my natural look.