After half a year I already felt that my braid locs settled in but now that it’s nine months I realize it will be an ongoing process for at least two years to come. Basically until my hair reaches a certain length at a point where it doesn’t change your face as much. Right now my hair seems to be growing like weed and that changes your look constantly.
9 months of Braid Locs
After half a year I already felt that my braid locs settled in but now that it’s nine months I realize it will be an ongoing process for at least two years to come. Basically until my hair reaches a certain length at a point where it doesn’t change your face as much. Right now my hair seems to be growing like weed and that changes your look constantly.
I don’t have to do much really. As little as I have to do I sometimes feel that I don’t do enough. I don’t take care of my ends well enough. I really love the kinky ends that coil up almost perfectly and keep reminding me how beautiful natural hair is when it’s out and free.
The loose naturally coily ends also create a different kind of loc to me. Maybe it’s psychological because deep down I still want my natural hair to be out but this way I make the best of it and can truly enjoy both worlds.
My regimen is very simple. I wash every week alternating between the Herbal Shampoo and the Rhassoul Clay.
Washing with Rhassoul Clay
If you don’t want to do a complete treatment you can also wash your hair with Rhassoul clay. It’s really easy. My Rhassoul Clay is now in a sifter so once I am in the shower and my hair is completely wet, I first shake my head then squeeze my locs to get the excess water out of my natural hair. Then I just start powdering my locs and scalp thoroughly then massage the clay in to make it easier for the minerals to do the job and penetrate my hair.
After a minute or two I rinse thoroughly again, making sure that all the clay is out. The water will be brown from the clay in the beginning but even after it’s clear I squeeze my locs again to make sure no residue will be left.
Wrapping my hair in a microfiber towel for 15 minutes while doing chores around the house then takes most of the water out of my braidlocs. By the time I am dressed or 10 minutes in the open air, my hair is dry. That’s how I know there is no buildup in my locs something I am very keen on. Natural hair without any product in it dries very quickly. If you have build up in your locs or braids it will take hours to dry.
In general it’s just a good idea to let your hair dry first before adding any products and that’s what I do. Only after my hair is dry I add the Curl Keeper to the ends. I hope you like the result as well.
Going Natural Hair Care for Black Women, African American Men and Children
July 17, 2020 @ 1:34 am
I love your locs! I just put braids in my natural hair and I want to start braid locs! You’re feedback was really positive and the look you have is the one I’m going for, with loose ends. What did you do to keep your braids from looking too unkept?