The Boso Hair Studio is having a FREE Hair shoot to launch Our New Kinky Curl Extentions. A protective style done on a cornrow base, using our kinky curl human hair.
Hair style will be preped on Friday Nov. 19 anytime after
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Seeking hair models 18 and over for free hair shoot.
The Boso Hair Studio is having a FREE Hair shoot to launch Our New Kinky Curl Extentions. A protective style done on a cornrow base, using our kinky curl human hair.
Hair style will be preped on Friday Nov. 19 anytime after
Seeking hair models 18 and over for free hair shoot.
The Boso Hair Studio is having a FREE Hair shoot to launch Our New Kinky Curl Extentions. A protective style done on a cornrow base, using our kinky curl human hair.
Hair style will be preped on Friday Nov. 19 anytime after 4pm by appointment
The phootoshoot will be on Sat. Nov. 20 at 3pm
Photographer Ken Stein
Meet ups will be a the bosohair studio
1384 Pacific St
Brooklyn New York
718 773-6612
Please send us a current picture or yourself and phone number.
Selected models will be contacted by phone
We welcome all hair textures!
Thank you
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