I went natural in 2002 after having a relaxer for 3 years. I had only gotten a relaxer because my military family was stationed in Mobile Alabama and i could never achieve the Aaliyah hair do in the humidity. Once we moved to Sacramento a few years later the relaxer dried out my hair so much it began to fall out in clumps. My aunt who was is a stylist suggested i cut an inch every month. But me being the impatient teenager hated the half fro half relaxed texture and i shaved it off, jada-pinkett-in-set-it-off style.
Name: India McGee
Profession/Location: Broadway Dancer,United States
What was the worst part of your journey?
Getting stopped on the street and giving pep talks to total strangers who either aren’t feeling as confident in their hair style as they think I am, or, more recently, having parents (also strangers) ask me to talk to their little girls about how having natural hair is pretty. I’m saddened that the division of color/texture and the European standard of beauty is still such a struggle for my sisters.
And the best part?
A few years ago I participated in the Miss black and Gold scholarship pageant. I won 3 levels of the pageant and came in second at the highest level/national pageant. I remember some girls coming up to me after the national pageant saying how bold I was to not straighten my hair and even had the comment from one of the male judges on my hairstyle choice, I remember being a bit insulted initially. I kept thinking to myself: I didn’t loose or gain weight i didn’t lighten or darken my skin why would i change the texture of my hair for this pageant? The next year when I went to the pageants to pass along my crown at each level there were a bevy of beauties all rocking naturals and they all claimed to have seen me the year before. “I didn’t see the sense in killing myself working overtime to buy stuff for the pageant and getting my hair done for ever preliminary event” one girls told me, ” you stood out by being yourself and I want to do the same, plus i saved soooo much money”. I didn’t know what an impact I had on a profusion of co-eds. Nor did I think of what I did as brave, but I was sincerely humbled by them finding inspiration in little ole me.
What did your hair journey teach you?
You never know who’s watching you so don’t slack off!
Describe your worst hairdo and your best hairdo and please include a picture if you can.
I don’t think i have a worst or best, I guess it all depends on my mood.
Looking back, has your perception of your hair or black hair in general changed? Please elaborate.
Now that Im in my mid- twenties no part of my exterior is just a piece of my body anymore. I realize now that people are not me and they deduce the kind of person you are from looking at you, instead of talking to you. Im in a place where i want to protect my perceptions and still like what I see when I look in the mirror
Most girls loved their first perm. Do you remember yours? Was it a special occassion, how old were you and how did you feel about it?
I was 11 years old and my oldest sister was in town to watch my oldest brother go to prom. I asked my sister if she could do my hair like hers and she said it wouldn’t hold in the southern humidity . She suggested to my mother and father that i get a just for me perm. My father opposed but relented after a few days of my mother and sister badgering him. I remember feeling so grown up having my hair bone straight instead of the cotton candy fluff i usually got when I got it pressed.
What is your favorite hairstyle?
Wild and fluffly with lots of movement
How long have you been a member and how did you find going-natural.com?
10 years, my friend Maddy Wooten posted some things from this site
What is your favorite youtube video?
I don’t have a favorite
I love my hair because:
its all mine
You can find Jasmine’s blog at: http://www.youtube.com/user/indikindz?feature=mhee