This is my goodbye from the America’s Next Top Natural Model 2009 competition. I didn’t see the email for the last challenge! I thought we must of had a week off for Thanksgiving or something. Until this week when I also saw nothing. I inquired too little too late. Everyone thought I just dropped out!
My life has been hectic so I’ve been a bit distracted. I am disappointed that my exit from the contest is like this. But I am cheering on the other girls. The pictures for Challenge 5 look great!
Being in the competition was fun and a learning experience. It also was hard work. I learned how to use my camera a lot better and relearned forgotten editing tricks. I also enjoyed doing the essays. It also was an opportunity to practice doing my hair differently. I’m a afro or ponytail girl and lately mostly hair in a bun. So it was cool doing twists, changing things up. It was a lot more work than I had remembered it being to do that style! And I remembered that I don’t have to do them so small.
The products were cool to try. My favorite in the competition thus far was the Sula NYC spa treatment, it was a treat. One of the products that I tried in our goodie basket that I didn’t get to talk about was the Ancient Blends Lemon Mint Shampoo. It was the first product I tried and enjoyable. It smells good, nice and minty. And gives a tingly sensation on your scalp. It gets your hair really clean with only alittle bit of product. The other thing I tried on my own was the Jamaican Mango and Lime leave in moisturizer it laid my hair down with a brush for my coveted ponytail. lol And it did help my dry hair as did the Cactus Gro Scalp Treatment.
This was a good experience and I thank for inviting me and allowing me to participate. Everyone on this site is so supportive and positive. It’s a good support system and learning environment for women seeking to natural or just wanting to get feedback on things they want to try from people who know from experience. Happy holidays everyone!