A Must Have For All Naturals by S. D. Bledsoe – Fantastic
A Must Have For All Naturals, November 16, 2005
By | S. D. Bledsoe “renaissance woman” |
A fantastic reference guide to caring for natural hair and full of good advice and natural hair “recipes.”
I’ve fallen in love with the recipe for moisturizing spray. It utilizes inexpensive ingredients, (distilled water, vegetable glycerin, and aloe vera juice) but it works much better on my hair than most commercial products.
The book also shows the variety of hair styling options available to naturals; too many of us think we are limited to a TWA or locks.
Finally, it is refreshing to find a book on natural hair care in which the models are truly “natural,” and not sporting weaves and/or texturizers. This allowed me to make a realistic assessment of how a finished style will look on my hair. I only wish that I had this book while I was transitioning.