Sherice Campbell
I found your site a while back during my hair transitioning period, I didn’t get the opportunity to take advantage of the educational resources, however
it’s still of great help now.
I’m 23 years old and I had a perm since age 12. It been about a year and six months since I begun the transition process, and my natural hair has grown in just lovely. Everywhere I go I’m always getting complements, positive stares, and questions about my “secret products, tips and tricks.” For people who have known me throughout the
years the question is always “why did you cut off all that good long black pretty hair.” I’m of chocolate complexion and I had back length hair, so throughout my life people have always doubted that my hair was actually real. They claimed that they doubted I could grow such length hair because black-dark skinned women don’t really have long length hair if they aren’t mixed with another race.
Another important reason I decided to go natural is the fact that I had self-esteem issues growing up because of the dark color of my skin and people always complemented me on my beautiful hair but never told me I was beautiful, they always down played my skin-using not nice names to describe me.
When I got to teens/high school I was told that I was beautiful, however the phrase many used was “you’re very beautiful for a dark skinned girl.” Over the years I associated my beauty with the length of my permed hair. I loved my long hair and became obsessed with taking care of it because I believe that’s where my beauty laid. However while exiting my teens I began to see beauty elsewhere on my face other than my hair. I came to realize that I loved my eyes, by beautiful full dark lips and everything else.
The decision to stop perming and go natural took about a year. It took so long because I had to be sure psychologically that that was what I wanted-no more Sherice the dark skinned girl with the long pretty hair- so I had to be mentally ready for natural.
After the perm was completely gone it took some months to actually find myself in the natural. I had trouble finding styles and products to use. After searching the internets for tips and tricks I begun to get the hang of natural; once more I got back my sass, confidence, and love for my hair. I don’t regret my decision and would do it all over again. I currently have a few traditional family members-grandmother, father, uncles- who really despise my beautiful afro and complain that I should go back to perming,
but no way, they will have to close their eyes when they see me coming, lol.
I’m interested in telling my story and I think a lot of young women will be interested in reading it. I’ve helped and motivated quiet a few sistas to go and stay natural through my experience.
The pressures of society, family, and self about the determination of how people view beauty can be seen throughout my story. I also read about your pageant for Miss NappyNatural, and I’m so excited and interested in the possibility of participating. I’ve been told by many I should really consider modeling, however I wasn’t really interested in going into the industry, however if I have the opportunity to showcase my natural beauty and my experience I would so love that.
To support your natural journey check our selection of Natural Hair Products for Black Women |