Hello ,
This is only the 2nd week of 2013 so I hope you still keep to your resolutions. I am proud if you and like to encourage you to keep up.
We are incredibly busy behind the scenes putting together ANNM 2013. Now that registration is closed we are in the process of selecting 10 models, putting together the gift baskets and everything else.
This year is the 5th anniversary of ANNM so I want to make it extra special. In the mean time you can check out the models who still have a chance to be selected here: America’sNext Natural Model.
While we are working on all kinds of exciting things we also want to hear from you: what would you like to see from ANNM this year? Please visit my blog and leave your feedback.
Now here is a fun fact: did you know that last year’s winner of ANNM 2012, Chassity, did all her makeup herself? She sure did and she shares her tips and secret in a beautiful blog. Check out her skin care tips for the new year right here: Its more than just Lipstick.
Also check out our first natural hair story of the year and let us know your thoughts: Latoya’s Natural Hair Story.
Of course you should never forget to check out our Black Man’s Perspective Blog. Anthony did some research this time about cornrows and wonders what we ladies think about Black men with cornrows. Here is the link Cornrows so misunderstood.